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About Me

Hello! My name is Valerie Emerson, and this is my website. I write science fiction and fantasy, but my published work leans more heavily toward science fiction. I have some tabletop role playing credits to my name as well, but my true passion is for storytelling.

I read so much when I was growing up that I was considered most likely to become a librarian. (Were they kidding? I’d never get any work done surrounded by all those books!) I decided that I wanted to be a writer as soon as I realized that books were written by real people, and I didn’t want the world to run out of new books.

Besides reading, I’m an avid gamer. I play tabletop RPGs, board games, and video games. I write for fun. I occasionally run role playing games for Lawful Good Gaming, raising money for good causes. I go to several gaming conventions a year and often run adventures of my own design. I enjoy going to the movies, and have a lot of love for the Marvel Cinematic Universe in particular.

Thank you for reading.